Sharetoget is a platform for sharing economy, it can establish contact and trust between users as well as owners through products which are not used very often. Users do not have to spend large sums of money on occasional purchases, while the owner's idle items have a greater value.
There are a lot of products in your life after you have it but the usage frequency is very low.
For example, after buying a new camera, you may seldom use the old cameraï¼›
Maybe you bought a kayak for an outdoor trip while on vacation, but next time you use it, it is next year's vacation.
The use of technical resources to enhance the efficiency of resource rationing.
The use of evaluation system and other big data, reduce the cost of trust, improve the trade credit.
Generous market budgets embody economies of scale and reduce marginal costs, making it possible for businesses in areas that are traditionally considered impossible.
Saving Time or Killing Time?
Attention Is A Very Scarce Resource
He is a college student trying to make a short trip on National Day holidays. Unfortunately, he does not have a camera, so he wants to try it on SHARETOGET.
Like interesting designs and modern art. When he is free, he likes to take a camera to the street and shoot people in the city. He often goes to see some exhibitions. Every time he takes a picture or looks back at the exhibition, he feels very rewarding and happy.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Andy received a notification. He launched CURATOR, he took a look at the indoor map and check the highlights.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Andy received a notification. He launched CURATOR, he took a look at the indoor map and check the highlights.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Andy received a notification. He launched CURATOR, he took a look at the indoor map and check the highlights.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Andy received a notification. He launched CURATOR, he took a look at the indoor map and check the highlights.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Andy received a notification. He launched CURATOR, he took a look at the indoor map and check the highlights.